If you have never heard of the 'Back to Eden' gardening method, you should take a look. I became aware of it a couple of months ago, and it is fascinating. The guy who developed this method basically took a plot of land that was useless, and made the whole thing arable. He's got all kinds of foods growing in his yard, even food that isn't supposed to grow there!
I started out, years ago, doing the square foot method, using raised beds. You can get a lot of plants together in a garden bed, if you have raised beds and are using the square foot method. So, the question is, can I incorporate both the Back to Eden gardening method with Square Foot Gardening?
I've been saving newspapers to shred, to layer the garden with. On top of that, you would put compost, and then you put wood chips. I will use mulch for right now, because I don't have a chipper/shredder yet. I want to get the one on the side of the page, and amazon has them at a lower price than before, but I have to get more Smart Pots first before I can invest in the chipper/shredder.
One of the advantages of the Back To Eden method, is that there are supposed to be no weeds. The soil under the newspapers and mulch will be rich. Can't wait to get going on this, but I still need to collect more newspapers. Only the black/white sections of the papers can be used. I also use them in the compost bins, so I really need a lot of newspapers.
Amazon carries the 'Back to Eden' video, but you can also find it on the internet and watch it for free. It is called, 'Back to Eden' and it is a Vimeo video. Youtube has some related videos, but does not host the main 'Back to Eden' one.