Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Excerpt From 'Born-Again Dirt' Book

  I have just read the first chapter of this book, and it looks very good. It talks about gardening and farming from a Biblical perspective. Those who are in charge of industrialized agriculture are mainly people who do not have the mind of Christ. They do not see the connections of the web of life, and therefore, we have a very unhealthy society today who has no clue of how to recover from it.

Here is an excerpt from the book:

"For instance, the most prevalent method of agriculture today, industrial agriculture, seems to be based on a worldview that ignores God and elevates man and his wisdom as the source of truth. This humanistic worldview results in a form of agriculture whose primary objective is maximum yield and profit and whose ultimate source of wisdom is science. Hence the large scale and complex technology of industrial agriculture."

We live in a time period where we are proud of our knowledge. But our 'knowledge' is just making us more and more unhealthy. Something is wrong with this picture. I think you can get the drift of what it is by reading just the excerpt I posted above.

I have read somewhere not too long ago, where science is the religion of the Modernists. Today, we have entered into a post-modern era where the younger generation rejects Modernism. Theirs is a more emotionally charged response to life and life's problems. Neither the Modernists, nor the Post-modernists regard God as the supreme being. Modernists believe that man is the measure of all things (the top dog), while Post-modernists believe that whatever you want to be your God, is what your God will be.

So, what's the problem here? We have a bunch of Modernists running our agriculture and food industry. They are making unwise decisions because they do not have the mind of Christ, and whatever they do will result in something God never intended.

Anyway, although I just started this book, and it seems pretty good already, maybe the author will have some insight on how we can change the course of things here in our society. Maybe the day will come when there will be more farmers who know God and can hear His voice. They will have the wisdom from God instead of trusting in scientific theories (which sometimes are bias and faulty).

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